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Top Sexy Bloggers of 2008 — Dangerous Lilly

2025-02-05 17:41:30 Source:efvmr Classification:Leisure

Rori of Between My Sheets decided that us sex/sexy bloggers needed a Top 100 list and she wanted to do the undertaking. Brave and sweet thing to do!

She announced this about…oh, a month? two? ago, and told everyone to post about it on their blogs so that their readers could nominate them. I didn’t do it, obviously. I didn’t want to ask for votes, mainly because I didn’t feel that this year I should be on the list. Even though there are others on this list who are just as new as me, I thought I was “too new”.

Imagine my surprise when I see I’m on the list! I’m low, where I think I belong for now. You guys should check out the list, there’s many deserved nominations on there, some blogs not in my blogroll that should be seen. I am really humbled to be on that list, as there’s a lot of great bloggers (I should know, I read half of them, hehe), so a very teary thank you goes to Rori :)

Perhaps in the future I won’t be so shy in mentioning such things here….who knows. But I don’t aspire to be the top of anything as far as this blog concerns.


Keep your eyes open….I may be having a toy giveaway soon! Something good for couples! Details will come soon, but I thought I’d tease for a bit. ;)

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