Here's What to Eat While You Train For Your First Marathon
Other than shorter days, interminable NFL preseason games, and the always-too-early return of pumpkin spice coffee beverages, the surest sign that fall is nearly upon is your annual flirtation with the idea of running a marathon this fall. But if this is the year that you actually mange to convince yourself that New York or Chicago or Seattle or... something called the Wineglass Marathon is indeed a good idea, you'll probably first tackle a months-long, carefully-crafted training regimen that requires you to run longer distances in a single day than many New Yorkers drive in a year. To ensure that what you're using to fuel your body's strenuous efforts is not, to use a technical term, trash, we asked Dr. Fred Pescatore, a nutritional medicine expert and author of The Hamptons Diet, for a few tips on getting the most out of your hard work.
Space things out. You're asking a lot—a lot—of your body when running a marathon, and your diet has to support those changes. Eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day, and be sure the energy on which you're relying is coming from high-quality sources, like nutrient-packed vegetables (broccoli, zucchini, sweet potatoes, and anything with a root) and lean meats (chicken, fish, and grass-fed beef). Skipping the big three meals and instead eating five or six smaller portions every two to three hours will help keep your metabolism elevated and your blood sugar levels stable.
Drink water—and not much else. You should aim for a total intake of about half your body weight in ounces every day. Try to do most of your hydrating before and after a workout, when you need it most, and avoid relying on pre-workout energy drinks to carry the load. Also, lay off the booze. Alcohol has a dehydrating effect on the body, and it also affects blood sugar levels—which, since distance runners depend heavily on stored glycogen from blood sugar for energy, is bad news for your training. If you're committing to getting the most out of the hard work you're putting in, abstention is your best bet. (Remember, you chose to do this.)
Don't buy all the pasta just yet. Some runners feel great and perform best when they carb-load before a workout, but although high-quality carbohydrates are certainly a key component of a training diet, gigantic spaghetti feeds do not work for everyone—others find that spacing carbs throughout the day helps them to train more efficiently. See how your body reacts, and if it doesn't work for you, don't feel compelled to adhere to a rigid carbo-loading philosophy from the jump, since doing so can lead to unhealthy eating habits beyond the training period if you're not careful about it.
Eat right before race day. Plan on increasing your carb intake gradually beginning about three weeks before the race in order to build up your body's glycogen reserves, aiming for between three and five grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight by race day. Stick with a simple, easily digestible meal the night before—as is the case when preparing for most major life events, now is not the time to test your stomach's tolerance for spicy foods—and eat a simple breakfast two or three hours before the race begins. Experiment with safe options like oatmeal or a bagel with peanut butter during your training regimen and see which foods cause your body to respond best.
Learn some lessons. You finished a marathon! Congratulations! Now, while perhaps you feel entitled to a celebratory double cheeseburger and all of the fries as you bask in the glory of your accomplishment, don't wake up the next morning and abandon every tenet of the regimen to which you so scrupulously adhered over the past few months. Training for a marathon is a great time to develop healthy habits that last beyond race day, and doing things like eating smaller meals sourced from high-quality carbohydrate and protein sources is a good idea even when you're not preparing to run 26.2 consecutive miles. Besides, habits like those may even make it easier for you to run another marathon in the future, if you have so much fun the first time around that you decide to give it another go. (You psycho.)
Watch Now:Go Behind the Walls for the San Quentin MarathonJay Willis is a staff writer at GQ covering news, law, and politics. Previously, he was an associate at law firms in Washington, D.C. and Seattle, where his practice focused on consumer financial services and environmental cleanup litigation. He studied social welfare at Berkeley and graduated from Harvard Law School... Read moreRelated Stories for GQHealthHealth