Why You Need to Know the Difference Between Pull-Ups and Chin-Ups
We all know that the Internet is cauldron of lies, misinformation, trolls, and facts that are incontrovertibly, nightmarishly wrong. So don't just look this one up real quick and think you've got it right. Even the pros sometimes slip.
“I would admit that chin-ups and pull-ups are used interchangeably,” says Carlos Frias, a California-based trainer. “The general public tends to associate the two as one and the same-which is NOT wrong. But as trainers, we know the differences, and each has (individual) benefits while still mainly working the back or lat muscle group.”
Here's where they're the same: You, hanging from a large bar, pulling yourself up vertically until your chin is above the bar, then all the way back down. And here's where they're different:
PULL-UPSPalms Facing: OutGrip Width: Slightly wider than shoulder widthAlso Known As: “Prone grip,” “Pronated grip”Also Also Known As: OverhandNumber of These This Short Dude Named John Could Do In My 7th Grade Gym Class: 21. It was ridiculous. He got his name on the little board outside Mr. Haverstock's office.Specifically works: Lats, rear deltoids
CHIN-UPSPalms Facing: InGrip Width: Shoulder widthAlso Known As: “Supine grip,” “Supinated grip,” “Reverse grip”Also Also Known As: UnderhandWait, What Does Supine Mean?: It actually means “lying on your back,” so we're not sure how it came to be used here. It's also a Latin noun form that appears only in the accusative and ablative, but that's probably for a different story.Specifically works: Lats (specifically the lower lats), biceps
So which is right for you? The answer, of course, is both.
Chin-ups will be easier starting out, so get a good grip (zing) on those and then advance to wide-grip pull-ups. Because each exercise works different muscle groups in the back, Frias recommends performing them on the same day. And you can do these often: every day if you want to (or at least as often as you're in the gym).
For chin-ups, aim for 12 to 15 per session; for pull-ups, which are a little tougher, shoot for 7 to 15. In each case pull yourself up, then slowly lower for a 3- to 5-second count. Repeat. Drop off the bar and walk away, admiring your growing frame.