Oribe's Guide to Getting Tom Ford Upgrade Hair: How Shape Adds A Powerful Look
World-renowned hair stylist Oribe, of the esteemed Oribe Salon in Miami Beach, is giving us the inside scoop behind each hair transformation on our Tom Ford Upgrade subjects, and we suggest taking notes—they’re pretty easy to recreate. Up today: restauranteur Joel Gazder.
The Change: "This guy was fascinating, he had this John Mayer thing going on with amazing, gorgeous hair. He agreed to do whatever we wanted, so we took a lot of his hair off to make him look more powerful. When I sent him out on set Tom said ’this guy is dramatic, give him so more height’ so we added more product. We got rid of all the facial hair to really clean him up."
Recreate it: "I left about an inch around the temples and squared off the shape up top. When you have this much hair you have to do a combination of things, so I combined the Sculpting Cream and Gel Serum to give it really amazing texture."
Check out Oribe, and Tom Ford, in upgrade action here.
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