NYC Sex Blogger Calendar is recruiting nationwide! — Dangerous Lilly
Reposted from the New York City Sex Bloggers Calendar website, which you should go check out because yours truly designed the header and the new sidebar buttons and I’m totally proud of them. :)
Amazing artwork, Map of Canada and the US, by Oupelay on DeviantArt, please check out the rest of his fantastic gallery.
You’ve just flipped the January page on your 2010 Sex Blogger Calendar, whispered a fond farewell to the lovely Mia Martina, and greeted the awesome Abiola Abrahms, who graces February’s page, and here I am about to talk to you about 2011. If it seems early to you, you’re not alone; it seems early to me too. But 2011 is going to be a bigger and better year, hopefully for all of us, and certainly for this amazing project that started as a whim, a fun project with friends that would benefit our sex positive community, one balmy summer night.
Many of you, after seeing our fabulous calendar or coming to our kick-ass launch party, expressed an interest in being a model. We heard you and we want to give you the opportunity to be even more involved. So for 2011, we’re going NATIONAL! Yes, you heard it right, the NYC SexBlogger Calendar wants to be even more inclusive in 2011. We want any sex positive blogger/internet personality – male, female, gay, straight, queer, trans, any race, any orientation, any size – who writes/podcasts/video blogs about sex or sexuality to feel free to submit a photo. While our 2010 models are free to submit a photo, we’d like nothing better than to get thirteen brand new faces and their accompanying hot bods. I’ll get into those details in a moment, but that’s not the only change we’ve made.
For the last two years, the calendar proceeds have gone to Sex Work Awareness and allowed them to fund Speak Up!, a one day seminar in 2009 that expanded to a weekend in 2010. We are so proud to have provided the funding for those events. Megan Andelloux, in her fight with the town of Pawtucket, RI to open her adult sex education facility, The Center for Sexual Pleasure and Health, used the training she received last year which helped her win battle and CSPH is now open for business. This year, we’re thrilled to announce that the funds raised by the calendar will go to WFF.
We’ve known of and been supportive of WFF but when we met and talked with the board members and advisory committee of WFF at their fundraiser, a diverse group including the fabulous Carol Queen, we were really impressed with them, their professionalism and their goals. WFF has a broader focus than SWA and we want our little calendar to benefit all kinds of sexual freedom. In changing core attitudes, defining sexual freedom as a basic human right, sex workers too will reap benefits.
Now, how do you submit a photo and what is expected if we pick you to be in the 2011 calendar?
First, you email us one or more professional quality photo that represents what sexual freedom means to you or how you express your sexual freedom. The photo is to be 12 x 12 (this is SQUARE, people, be sure to let the photographer know this in advance of shooting, most photos are rectangular, so the photographer has to look with a different eye in order to shoot for square artwork). The format will be CMYK, 12 x 12 full bleed, 300 DPIx 12 full bleed image. If you’d like to discuss concepts before working with a photographer, please email me at
Along with your photo, please send a short bio and a short (or long, if you’re feeling particularly verbose on the topic) post talking about how your photo represents your sexual freedom. We would like all entrants to be able to attend our launch party on November 5, 201o in NYC, this is one reason we’re giving you all so much notice, so that plans can be hatched and funds reserved. You’ll be required to post a button on your site that links to the calendar blog and once chosen, we’ll provide a special button for models.
Because we want to also support our economy as well as our fundamental right to sexual freedom, despite our difficulties last year, we are committed to printing the calendar in the US of A, we’re not sure how much nudity we can get away with. If you feel like baring it all, we’re right there with you but we also need to be realistic about what we can get printed, so please give us some softer options. Last year, the mere sight of nipples in two photos caused a printer, even in this economy, to turn down the job.
Please include in your email any suggestions you have for promoting the calendar and WFF on your site -contests, etc. Working with us in promoting the calendar is an important component of being a part of this project.
Submissions must be received by May 1, 2010.
More details will follow and we’ll post the Photo Submission Guidelines on a separate page so you can review them easily.
In the meantime, if you’d be so kind as to repost this far and wide, from sea to shining sea, we’d be most appreciative. Let’s get everyone who believes that sexual freedom is a fundamental human right talking and participating in this project and sharing in the fun with us.