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Welcome to Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit - The Flash Giveaway — Dangerous Lilly

2025-02-05 17:59:59 Source:g Classification:Encyclopedia

1439404332234Months ago, I asked the FUCKING AMAZING ARTISTS at Shevibe to draw me for a business card for the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit. Shevibe.com is also my generous sponsor; without them I wouldn’t be able to attend the Summit. I showed the art off before, and naturally am so in love with it, that it’s now my avi everywhere. But when I saw the silhouettes of sex toys in the background it inspired me to expand on that for the back side once I figured out which toys they’d used. This made me think up the contest! I’ve never done such a quick giveaway before but I hope I gave fair enough warning by mentioning it in my newsletter and talking about it on social media. 

So here we are, even better than before thanks to Tantus donating a super new Duchess O2 (shown at left – it’s the same as their Duke but with vibrator and O2 layer) as First Place prize. Second place is the Jopen Key Comet 2, in blue, and third place is the We-Vibe Glow accessory for the Tango (Tango not included, sorry). My apologies to my sight-impaired readers; I know this contest excludes you.



What You Need to Do:

Name all 17 sex toys that appear on the back side (black and gray) of my business card, from left to right, in order. 

You also need to answer this question: Which of the depicted toys have I NOT YET reviewed? Name them. 

The answers need to be all in one single comment, and shouldn’t be answered anywhere else (as in, don’t post your answer on Facebook or message me, or reblog on Tumblr with the answers).


First place winner can live anywhere and get the Duchess O2. For the others, if you want it for free, you need to live in the US. If you’re outside the US, you need to pay for shipping. How much is shipping? I don’t know yet. That depends on where you live and which prize is yours. Let’s take a stab at a max of $25. I’d be using USPS.

You need to make sure that you see “your comment is awaiting moderation” after you click “post”. If you don’t, then re-do it. I cannot control the Internet and if your comment doesn’t make it through, there’s no entry for me to count.

I will be at Woodhull during this competition, so winners will be chosen as soon as I’m able to view all of the comments and find the winners. Once winners have been determined, all comments will get published. I’ll check the spam filter section, too, don’t worry.

This should go without saying, but you should be certain that you include a WORKING email address. You may, in your comment, include your Facebook ID, your Twitter or Tumblr name but I’d advise against putting it in as a link. However, you still need to include a working email address. I will update the post to show the first three winners.

How The Winners Will Be Chosen:

Once the contest has ended, I’ll separate out everyone who got everything right. From that group, I’ll randomly select three winners. You don’t get to choose your prize; your speed in answering determines the prize. The three randomly chosen winners will be ranked by the timestamp of their comment. If you are selected and don’t want the prize you were selected for, then another winner will be chosen to replace you.

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