Welcome toMy lust-obsession: Tori Black and FuckingMachines.com — Dangerous Lilly-UrbanUpdatewebsite!!!


My lust-obsession: Tori Black and FuckingMachines.com — Dangerous Lilly-UrbanUpdate Scan the QR code on the left to access the mobile end of this website

My lust-obsession: Tori Black and FuckingMachines.com — Dangerous Lilly

2025-02-05 16:42:55 Source:j Classification:Encyclopedia

You all know that I have this “thing” for amateur porn and watching real women have real orgasms. (one of these days I’ll get my hands on some of the ifeelmyself.com videos)

While I wouldn’t consider Fuckingmachines.com amateur by any stretch, because they’re mostly porn actresses and they’re being paid, I feel confident that their orgasms are real. The vamping for the camera schticks in the intros for each session can be skipped. And of course, many of these ladies are vocal. And by vocal I mean screaming their heads off.

I have, admittedly, had some of the session videos dampened a bit for me because I couldn’t tolerate the constant vocal hyper-ness of the woman being pounded with the fucking machine. On the other hand….you’re bound to be vocal when you’re being fucked into oblivion by a machine with a dildo being thrust into your cunt at warp speed and sometimes a Hitachi strapped to your clit.

Tori Black….I have such a lust crush on her. In this FM session she’s all gorgeous femme in her glittery dress and makeup, absolutely beautiful, and her orgasms are 100% real and mesmerizing to watch. And there’s a lot of them, of course. Here’s one video clip (it’s uploaded to my own site but for some reason WP doesn’t do embedding):

Tori Black Fuckingmachines.com Clip

And here’s the FM.com promo page for her session which contains even more video clips:

Clipped from: promo.fuckingmachines.com (share this clip)

While browsing through the long list of promo clips I can use, I found Sasha Gray!

Sasha Gray Fuckingmachines.com Clip

Clipped from: promo.fuckingmachines.com (share this clip)

Damn I love this site. And now I’m off to stalk Tori Black.

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