How to Find the Right Sunscreen For Your Skin Type
Fact: you’re screwing over the skin on your face if you’re not using sunscreen on the daily. Yeah, you heard that right. Every. Damn. Day. Doesn’t matter whether you’re headed to the beach with the express purpose of catching some rays, or simply on your way to the office; if you don’t want to look 50 by the time you’re 35, then you need to rub some SPF on your mug before walking out the door. That goes double after Memorial Day—with the sun hitting its highest point in the sky, UV rays are at their most potent. Leaving your skin vulnerable to them will lead to wrinkles, or worse. But not just any old skin-defense will do; as with choosing a face wash, for the most flattering results you’ve got to find a sunscreen that complements your skin type. Here, a slew of summer-strength options for each of the major varieties.
For the Everyman
If you’re one of the lucky few that can describe their skin as “normal”, never tipping the scales too far toward either end of the moisture spectrum, go for Clinique’s UV Defense—at SPF 50, this lightweight formula will work wonders protecting your mug.
For The Slick-Skinned
Grease got you down? Give this oil-free, SPF-infused moisturizer by dermalogica a shot. Formulated with a matte finish to rid your skin of shine, this stuff works double-duty, hydrating at the same time it’s fending off harmful UV rays.
For Skin That’s Particularly Parched
Sure, dry skin’s more often a winter thing, but for some of us, it’s a year round affair. Luckily, there are options like Clarins Sunscreen Care Milk-Lotion Spray, designed with aloe vera and kiwi, both known to heal desert-like pelts.
For The Sensitive Types
Breakouts and allergic reactions all too common? Then what you need is an all-natural sunscreen, like Kiehl’s mineral-based Super Fluid. Dermatologist-tested to be free of anything that might irritate your skin, it’s sure to ward off sun damage without incident.
For Those Desperately In Need of a Recharge
Let’s call this the nuclear option of anti-aging face lotions. Designed by RéVive to give skin a firmer, brighter complexion, working with potent enzymes and antioxidants to smooth fine lines and wrinkles, this SPF 30 formula will have you looking noticeably younger in no time flat.
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