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The Best Ways to Fight of Seasonal Affective Disorder This Winter

2025-02-05 16:56:45 Source:aho Classification:Focus

We're only a few days into 2018, but I haven't seen a ton of evidence yet that this year will be better than last. Trump is still in office. And it's still cold in New York City. Time to settle into some nice seasonal affective disorder, right? Wrong. It's time to resist...the lower levels of sunlight that make you sad.

Each year, when the skies are grayer and the days are shorter, the mind falls steadily out of its rhythm. Sleep patterns are disrupted, moods shift for the worse, and periods of inactivity grow increasingly more frequent and crippling.

This doesn’t happen to everyone, but it can happen to anyone. And for some, it happens every year, like clockwork. Regardless of how vulnerable you are to SAD, it's something you should arm yourself against because it's often preventable or curable. For more insight and solutions, we sought the expertise of Ravi Shah, MD, psychiatrist and assistant professor of psychiatry at Columbia University. His main piece of advice? Get proactive about staving it off.

First off, what causes seasonal affective disorder?

SAD happens at certain times of year, primarily in winter—after Daylight Savings Time steals precious sunlight from an already short day. Individuals experience episodes of depression or mania, though Shah says many of his patients experience milder symptoms that can worsen throughout the grayer season.

Shah says that SAD’s causes aren’t entirely known, though several studies suggest that it’s “a disruption in circadian rhythms.” In particular, your melatonin secretion may decrease along with the loss of daylight, thus affecting your quality sleep.

Who gets the most SAD of all the SAD people?

“People with a history of depression or bipolar disorder are most susceptible to SAD,” says Shah. He says many studies indicate that people who live at higher or lower latitudes from the equator are also at higher risk for SAD (since their sunlight levels vary most drastically). "However, subsequent studies were not able to replicate those findings."

What are the signs and symptoms?

The symptoms of SAD are generally the same as those of depression, says Shah. These include: persistently low mood, decreased experience of pleasure with activities that the person normally enjoys, excessive guilt or self-loathing, disturbances in sleep (either oversleeping or trouble sleeping), decreased or increased appetite or unintentional changes in weight, fatigue, difficulties concentrating, as well as suicidal thoughts or behavior.

How bad does it have to be before you should get help?

Shah says to seek help from your physician if you are experiencing several of the above symptoms—even if they’re mild. You can minimize stress and symptoms by staying proactive, especially if this recurs each year.

However, he advises seeking help from a mental health professional—a psychiatrist or psychologist—if you are experiencing any of the below:

1. Several symptoms that persist: “Everyone gets down sometimes, and sadness is a normal emotion. That said, if you are feeling down most of each day for 2 weeks or more, something is wrong.”

2. Decline in functioning: “Severe weight loss, inability to get out of bed, and difficulty functioning at work or school are all signs that the drop in your mood is affecting you significantly.”

3. Suicidal thoughts and/or behaviors:“If you are having these thoughts, including milder versions like, ‘I just wish I could sleep forever,’ that should raise a flag and prompt you to seek help. The good news is that SAD and depression in general are highly treatable with good success rates.”

How, then, does one get un-SAD?

While severe cases of SAD and depression require professional attention, less severe cases can be treated and prevented independently. The key is that you need to change your routine in order to reverse your mood. “In general, maintaining healthy and regular exercise has been effective at improving mood and cognition, especially mild symptoms of depression,” says Shah. Don’t underestimate the power of physical activity: “Exercise can prompt your brain to release endorphins, which will improve mood in the short term,” he says. As for diet: “Try a low glycemic index diet like the Mediterranean diet, along with a reduction in sweets and processed foods.”

If you find that your mood drops each winter, you should try to increase your exposure to light somehow. This is easier said than done. One artificial route is with a lightbox, which has proven effective in studies on improving depression. The lightbox is a large screen that shines light on your face (typically done in the morning). “It is important to use a lightbox as recommended,” says Shah. “Stay about one foot away from the light, and use it for 20 minutes in the morning but not longer. There are a variety of products on the market, and it is important to be sure to use the ones that have the same specifications from studies showing that it works,” Shah notes. He recommends this one from Carex to his patients for this reason. (Shah has no ties to or investment in the company.) “Otherwise you might as well just turn on your lamp.”

Adam Hurly has been covering men's grooming since 2013 (and for GQ since 2016). He is also a travel writer. In Fall 2024, Adam is launching Blue Print by Adam Hurly, a men's grooming platform. Adam resides in Lisbon (previously Berlin, NYC, and San Francisco). He is a Sioux Falls, SD, native... Read moreWriterInstagramRelated Stories for GQHealth

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