Exercise Is Easier Than We Thought!
Early this morning, as is its way, the school principal of newspapers, The New York Times, gave an assembly about encouraging all of us to exercise. Aaron Carroll writes that moderate exercise for more than 150 minutes a week can be more beneficial than drugs for things like recovering from a heart attack or preventing mortality due to coronary heart disease. Yes, thank you, we know, so glad to hear it again.
BUT WAIT, BUT WAIT, the lede was buried. A lot of things that you didn't know were exercise are exercise. The Times has cited a Harvard source that explains exercise with a good chart, which is below.
For example, generally holding up your bag of meat and bones in an upright posture + moving it steadily through space and time = moderate exercise. Just upper-half stuff = light exercise. I sense this logic is not entirely true, but it's a pleasing concept nonetheless, like detox juices or wishes.
P.S.: Did you notice "fishing sitting" in the chart above? Let's laugh and think about that forever.