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The Perfect Number of Tinder Messages to Send Before Making a Date

2025-02-05 17:58:37 Source:mnqma Classification:Entertainment

I never slept with the guy. Despite sending Tinder messages back and forth for weeks, I never even met him. After nearly a month of countless messages, I realized something: He was using me as his therapist. To him, a financial consultant I’ll call Tucker, I was his virtual manic pixie pink-haired emotional Dumpster. At the time I was single and horny. I wasn’t on Tinder to work through some guy’s confusion about his relationship with his mother. Instead, I slept with a friend of mine, ultimately started dating him, and deleted my account. Don’t be like Tucker. Nobody likes a Tucker. I’m going to tell you exactly how many messages to shoot before for before you ask her to hang.

Ask a girl out on Tinder sooner than later.

If I’ve been messaging back and forth on Tinder with a guy for more than a week or with over 50 messages and he still hasn’t pulled the trigger, I’ll begin to get suspicious. Does he even want to meet me? Does he have a secret girlfriend or wife and is only using the app to get some attention? Is he just very lonely and using the app in lieu of a psychologist to work through some mommy issues? Is he human? Is this absurd waste of my time an elaborate plot to glean information about me so he can later kill me because his actual kink is necrophilia? Sending too many messages without asking the recipient out will make her paranoid.

Exchange a dozen messages before asking her out.

Twelve is a nice number. It’s so nice it gets its own name: a dozen. These are not the lazy, succinct messages favored by cowards: A “hi” is different than a, “Hey, I’m Tucker, excuse the douchey name, I promise I’m nothing like Tucker Carlson, my parents are just knuckleheads. Happy to match with you Sophie, how was your day?” You should exchange 12 respectable messages. If you’ve put thought into your six messages, and she’s put thought into her six messages, and you feel you might still have things to talk about, then say: “I’d love to continue this in person over drinks. What’s your schedule like next week?” If she says no, at least you didn’t waste too much time and energy on someone who isn’t into you, and if she says yes, yahtzee!

Keep chatting after you ask her out.

After you get the green light for a date, you can go ahead and exchange phone numbers and upgrade the conversation from Tinder to text messaging. Asking her out doesn’t mean you have to stop virtually getting to know one another, it just means she knows you’re truly interested in taking her out, and that you’re not afraid to say so. She can relax knowing you are indeed a real human being who wants to make love to her living, breathing body after thoughtful IRL conversation. Just don’t wear a bowtie to the bar.

Watch Now:How Not to Date Online:Sophie Saint Thomas is an award-winning journalist (Brooklyn Magazine 30 Under 30, High Times 100 Women in High Places) and six-time author in New York City. She grew up in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Her writing, which focuses on sex, love, as well as drugs and queer subcultures, can be... Read moreInstagramXRelated Stories for GQTinderWhat She SaidRelationshipsSexSex and Relationships

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