Adidas Boost ESMs Will Have You Sprinting Further, Longer, Faster
The shoe, which hit their website today, is all about performance. When I was speaking with their team, Adidas stressed that, "it’s a tool for a lot of people." And they’re right—your running shoes should always be performance first, fashion second. That’s not to say they don’t look great though; the update includes some mesh layering, along with classic Adidas details. The powerhouse shoe is the end result of research and direct feedback from runners, so you can trust its performance. And of course, since this is part of the Boost family, you’ve got a midsole that will outpace your traditional sneakers and keep you moving—chalk it up to the 2,500 "energy capsules" that form it up.
Rest assured, these will keep good pace for a jog around the ’hood, or a Forest Gump-style jog across the country.
_$160, available at
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