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Flexibility Is a Key to Longevity. Here’s How to Improve Yours, According to Experts

2025-02-05 15:51:17 Source:cw Classification:Leisure

If your fitness routine includes a mix of cardio and strength training, you may assume you have your bases covered. You don’t. There’s a third area that most people, men in particular, tend to ignore: flexibility.

If you can’t remember the last time you did yoga or touch your toes without bending your knees, this applies to you. Flexibility is a lot more important than you may realize and improving it could even add years to your life. Think that’s too much of a … stretch? Here’s what you need to know.

5 Reasons Why Flexibility Matters

Being flexible doesn’t necessarily mean being able to do the splits or contort your body like a gymnast, but it does mean being able to move around easily. “Flexibility is the ability to move through a joint’s full range of motion,” says Alex Rothstein, CSCS, an exercise physiologist and exercise science professor at New York Tech.

This range, Rothstein says, is an offshoot of mobility, which is being able to move the body easily and without pain. “Flexibility is the passive ability of going through a range of motion while mobility is the active ability to do it,” he says. There are five key reasons why flexibility is important.

1. Flexibility makes it easier to maintain good posture

Rothstein explains that when a part of the body isn’t as flexible as it should be, it causes another part of the body to overcompensate. When this happens, maintaining good posture gets difficult. Brad Walker, an exercise scientist at The Stretching Institute, says that, “Improved flexibility in the right muscle groups plays a key role in the body’s ability to maintain good posture. When muscles in the chest and shoulders, for example, become tight and restricted, they can pull the shoulders and neck forward leading to a rounded upper back, which affects posture and can lead to chronic pain.”

If you’re reading this with your shoulders hunched forward, that’s a sign that you probably have a postural imbalance and could benefit from improving flexibility in your chest and shoulders. “Flexibility training can help fix poor posture,” says Karen Owoc, ACSM-CEP, ACSM-CET, a clinical exercise physiologist at the Palo Alto VA Medical Center. If you want to avoid that hunched-over caveman look, she says to focus on increasing flexibility in the upper back, chest, and core.

2. It protects the body from injury

If you don’t have good flexibility, you’re more likely to not only experience poor posture but also aches and pains. This, Walker says, is because muscles and joints become stiff. You’re also more likely to injure yourself. “If you can’t move the way you need to, it can cause overuse to another part of the body, which can lead to injury,” Rothstein says. Walker echoes this, saying, “Allowing the body to move more freely leads to less wear and tear on the joints and other soft tissue of the body, which in turn leads to less injuries.”

Rothstein says the key to avoiding injury is staying in the sweet spot of not being overly flexible (which can cause joint dislocation) and being too stiff. He explains that if you’re too stiff and need to use your muscles and joints to do something strenuous, this could put too much strain on the muscles and joints being used, which could damage them. It’s like going from zero to 100 miles per hour, whereas having good flexibility would be like going from, depending on how flexible you are, 50 or 80 to 100.

3. Having good flexibility can make you a better athlete

Having a good range of motion (which you need flexibility for) is key to upping your athleticism in any sport. “The reason why flexibility helps with sports performance is that it really allows the muscles and joints to function optimally without restriction,” Rothstein says. For example, if your hamstrings are stiff and tight, it’s going to be harder for you to move across the court (or field) than if you are able to move easier and freer.

4. Flexibility is connected to better heart health

Scientific research shows a connection between flexibility and heart health. Walker explains that this is because stretching (which improves flexibility) leads to better blood flow, which ensures the heart is getting a steady supply of oxygen and nutrients.

Owoc says that scientific research shows a connection between flexibility and reducing arterial stiffness. When artery walls are stiff and inflexible, the heart has to work harder to pump blood into the arteries. This is another way flexibility benefits heart health.

5. People with good flexibility live longer

Just because you can’t touch your toes doesn’t mean you’re going to drop dead of a heart attack, but reduced flexibility is scientifically linked to premature death. According to a recent study, people with reduced flexibility live an average of 12 years less than people with good flexibility.

While the researchers didn’t spell out exactly why this is, Walker believes a major reason is because improved flexibility makes it easier to move around. “Someone who can move freely is much more likely to be active, which improves cardiovascular health, reduces blood pressure, lowers heart rate, and leads to several other health benefits, which in turn increases longevity,” he says. Additionally, Walker points out that improved flexibility leads to improved balance, coordination, and body awareness. “These are all vitally important in reducing the incidence of fall related injuries, which can lead to mortality, especially in elderly people,” he says.

The 5 Best Stretches for Improving Flexibility

Convinced that it’s time to stop overlooking flexibility? If you want to improve yours, all three experts say that taking at least 15 minutes to stretch every day is key. Especially if you notice a certain part of your body is stiff, that’s a sign you need to spend a little extra time targeting that area. Taking a yoga or Pilates class every now and then can help too. Rothstein says you can also dust off your foam roller and use it to target any parts of the body that feel particularly stiff.

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If you know you need to stretch but don’t know which moves are best, move through this five-step stretching routine that will have you feeling good from head to toe.

1. Shoulder stretch with strap

This is a great posture-improving flexibility stretch that Owoc loves. It helps to have a stretch strap to do it, but if you don’t have one, you can improvise by using a tie or dog leash instead. (Watch a video demonstration.)

1. Hold the stretch band (or whatever you are using instead) with both hands, palms facing up.

2. Reach your arms overhead, bringing the band behind your body. Hold for a few seconds and then bring the band back over your head and in front of your body.

3. Repeat for between 30 and 60 seconds.

2. Couch stretch

If you spend the majority of the time sitting, Rothstein says that this stretch will help improve flexibility in the quads and hips. It should be one against a wall or couch. (Watch a video demonstration.)

1. Bend your left knee and place your shin along a couch cushion or against a wall. Your left thigh should be in line with your body.

2. Put your right leg in front, bending your knee to 90 degrees. Your right knee and ankle should line up.

3. Hold this position for between 30 and 60 seconds. Then, repeat on the other side. Repeat the entire stretch two to three times.

3. Prone frog stretch

Got tight hips? Owoc recommends the prone frog stretch, which doesn’t require any furniture or props. (Watch a video demonstration.)

1. Lie down on your stomach. Bring your knees out as wide as you can.

2. Lift your legs and put the bottom of your feet together. Press your feet together for five seconds before relaxing, yet staying in position.

3. Continue alternating between pressing your feet together for five seconds and relaxing for between 30 and 60 seconds.

4. Lying hamstring stretch

This is another move, recommended by Owoc, where having a stretch band can come in handy, but if you don’t have one, you can use a tie or dog leash. It helps increase flexibility in your hamstrings. (Watch a video demonstration.)

1. Lie on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

2. Take the stretch band with one end in each hand and put it around one of your feet, with your foot in the middle of the band. Straighten out your leg as much as you can.

3. Gently use the band to pull your foot toward you until you feel the stretch. Hold for between 30 and 60 seconds. Then, gently bring your foot to the floor and repeat with the other leg.

5. Gastrocnemius calf stretch

Owoc recommends this stretch for improving flexibility in the calves. Done against a wall, it’s one of the easiest stretches to do. (Watch a video demonstration.)

1. Step your right foot toward a wall, stopping roughly three feet in front of it.

2. Place both palms against the wall and bend your right knee.

3. Lean forward, keeping your left leg straight. Hold for between 30 and 60 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.

The experts reiterate that spending just 15 minutes a day stretching is enough to improve your flexibility. It doesn’t have to be done all at once either. Instead of doing a whole stretch routine in one go, you can split ‘em up and have three, five-minute stretch breaks throughout the day. The timing is, er, flexible.

And for God’s sake, stop walking out of your fitness classes as soon as the cool-down music comes on. Stay and you’ll find that stretching actually feels really, really good.

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Emily Laurence is a journalist, freelance writer, and certified health coach living in Raleigh, North Carolina. She specializes in writing about health, lifestyle, and social justice. Emily spent six years as an editor and writer at Well+Good, covering everything from food trends to serious issues like the opioid crisis in... Read moreInstagramRelated Stories for GQWorking Out

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